Thanks for your interest in sharing our content. We are thrilled. Before you do so, here are some general rules. Please note, all of our content is copyrighted and we operate under © All Rights Reserved clause. It means that if you don’t abide by our usage policies, we have the right to legally pursue you.

What S.O.L.V.E.S. content can you use? And how?

• Feel free to share links to any of our content on any website or social media channels. We appreciate the help of getting S.O.L.V.E.S. concepts in front of more people.
• Feel free to reference or quote up to 75 words of any of our text content in your own blog articles and presentations as long as you abide by the content attribution policy.
• You cannot copy in full or in part any of our full text content and our original copyrighted images without our prior consent. We would love to know how SOLVES is applied by other people and we monitor for SOLVES mentions so we will know if you do not abide by these rules.
• You cannot monetize on the content we provide you free of charge.
• You cannot claim our content as your original ideas and publish as your own on your platform.

Content Attribution Policy

• Cite S.O.L.V.E.S. as a source
• Cite Alexandro as the author/creator of S.O.L.V.E.S.
• Link back to our original source you are referencing